Another 10 out of 10 for Mercury-6!

Cherry Audio received a fourth in-a-row 10/10 rating from Computer Music, this time for the Mercury-6 synthesizer, praising its attention to detail (link to MusicRadar) and styling as "exemplary." This rating follows from Computer Music's reviews of GX-80 -- hailed as "the most impressive visual and sonic spectacle available in software" in December, 2022. and their 10 out of 10 ratings for Elka-X (November 2022) and Sines (December 2022).
This is also the second 10/10 rating for Mercury-6, which received the "Excellence Award" in March from MusicTech.
From the Computer Music review:
"This is one of the best vintage reissues we've ever seen in software, at a great price to boot."
"As with all of Cherry Audio's classic recreations, the attention to detail and styling is exemplary, with an inviting interface which is incredibly exacting, but with a few added extras, bringing the ol' Jupe into the computer age."
"As a production-ready plugin, Cherry Audio has done a sterling job; the installation download includes 500 desirable presets, which will have you up and running in no time."