Jan 24, 2025 | Playertron
Playertron has released Augmented Klee Combination Sequencer, a new module for Voltage Modular to introduce unpredictability and serendipity into sequences. The introductory price is $9.99.
It's a great sequencer for producing music which you both feel responsible for making and surprised to be hearing.
The demo above features three oscillators and drums all sequenced by one device.
CV sequencers usually have one active step. This can do that, but it can also have many active steps. Two of them are available individually with a CV-able control to offset their spacing, but the highlight, the Klee-ishness of the sequencer, is the main CV OUT's summation of all active steps, resulting in intriguingly unpredictable yet reliably patterned output melodies (usually with a quantizer & modulations).
Activation of steps is achieved via a Klee sequence which is read as HIGH (above 0V) or LOW values at the SEQ IN jack, and passed into the array of 16 voltage dials (bottom), starting at the top left and marching across two rows toward the bottom right. Two activations within 16 clock pulses means two of the dials will be summed in various pairs. If the activations are within adjacent clock pulses, then neighboring dials will be grouped, but if the spacing is greater, then distant dials are added together in serendipitous combinations. These activations can be fed from any sequencer, LFO, noise source, etc... but there is also an internally normalled Klee sequence, which you can set via the red buttons at the upper left.