Pro Soloist Demonstration: Genesis - "The Cinema Show" Keyboard Solo

Jan 19, 2024 | sailingwhisper

Musician sailingwhisper has posted a fantastic demonstration (above) playing through Tony Banks' famous Pro Soloist solo from this 1973 Genesis classic, with tips so that you can do the same!

Hi all, this is a video demonstrating the incredible keyboard solo from "The Cinema Show" by Genesis, played by Tony Banks. What you're hearing is the Seconds Out live version, possibly one of the best compositions made with the Pro Soloist. Here is my transcription played back via MIDI, while I change presets and sounds live as Tony would have.

Big thanks to @mattthomasoverdrive4514 for his video of playing this track, it helped a ton with figuring out what presets Tony used at what time. To see him actually perform this on real hardware, check out his video here:

And to get the Pro Soloist plugin, go here. This is not a sponsored video, I purchased this plugin and thought that the sounds were just awesome, so I wanted to demonstrate one of the best Genesis tracks with the software. I hope you enjoy!