Feb 28, 2024 | Di Alessandro Anthems Sounds
Anthems Sounds by Di Alessandro has added a post on their production blog (in Spanish) along with a short video taking a look at Cherry Audio's Model D emulation, Miniverse.
Ye nueche, y güei toca pasala programando una llínia de baxu con esti sinte tan espectacular, el Miniverse de Cherry Audio.Soy cérrimu d'esta clas de soníu tipo Moog. Tengo por vezu enfotame siempres nestos sintes a la gueta de soníos orgánicos, caldios y analóxicos, pasando hores y hores de trabayu nel lowend, programando llínies de baxu. Y ye qu'estos sintetizadores analóxicos son enforma adictivos...
(It's night, and now it's time to program a bass line with this spectacular synth, the Cherry Audio Miniverse. I'm big on this kind of Moog type sound. I always focus on these synths in the guet of organic, warm and analog sounds, spending hours and hours of work on the lowend, programming bass lines. And these analog synthesizers are addictive...)
Di Alessandro