Behind the Scenes of the GX-80: Pro Synth Network LIVE! Replay

Nov 29, 2022 | Pro Synth Network

Catch the replay of the Pro Synth Network Black Friday livestream featuring Cherry Audio and a behind the scenes discussion of the making of GX-80 with CTO Dan Goldstein, Synth Designer Mitchell Sigman, and Sound Design Team Lead James Terris.

"This week we're delighted to welcome back Dan & Mitchell of Cherry Audio, a company that in the last few years has grown its reputation for quality, affordable and quite excellent software synths that emulate some of the more quirky synthesizer classics such as the ARP Quadra, Jupiter-4 and Realistic MG-1, as well as classics like the Memorymoog, Synthex and Polymoog, their own Dreamsynth and their latest instrument GX-80! Join us to hear the story behind the creation of GX-80, an instrument that fuses together two giants from Yamaha!"
