The PS-3300 Magic of The Sound of Merlin

Oct 19, 2023 | The Sound Of Merlin

The Sound of Merlin is a collective of independent musicians, sound designers, and producers who contributed several splendid PS-3300 demo tracks to the launch. They've opened a website at featuring a video performance on the PS-3300, additional sound demonstrations, a blog entry about the project, and a new collection of 50 presets.

"Here's an improvisation on the wonderful and inspiring PS-3300 by Cherry Audio. Both lead sound and the picking chords sound come from this synthesizer. These patches and 48 others can be purchased from my website for a friendly price. Enjoy the video!"

(Note: This post references a preset collection designed and provided by a third party. All questions about purchasing, installing, and using the presets must be directed to the provider through the link provided. Cherry Audio does not provide support for third-party products or purchases made outside of its online store.)