Synthpop Bass for Miniverse - Di Alessandro Anthems Sounds

Mar 18, 2024 | Di Alessandro Anthems Sounds

Anthems Sounds by Di Alessandro has added a new post on their production blog (in Spanish) along with a short video taking a look at Miniverse bass sounds, along with DC0-106 and Mercury-6 in supporting roles.

Na estaya de güei trabayamos na programación de dellos presets de baxu estilu Synthpop pal sintetizador Miniverse de Cherry Audio, esqurque la meyor emulación de Minimoog Model D fecha a dia de güei. Como resultáu del trabayu algamamos 4 presets enforma afayadizos y que nomamos como aggro bass 1, 2, 3, y 4 . Allugamos estos presets pa les nueses producciones vinientes.

(Here we are working on programming several Synthpop-style presets for Cherry Audio's Miniverse synthesizer, which is the best Minimoog Model D emulation available today. As a result of the work we created 4 customizable presets that we called aggro bass 1, 2, 3, and 4. We upload these presets for our upcoming productions.

To continue giving the context to this lesson we wrote some chords with Cherry Audio's DCO-106 and Mercury-6 synthesizers, emulations of Roland Juno-106 and Roland Jupiter-6 respectively. Mercury-6 is one of the worthy additions to our workflow.)

Di Alessandro