Toto’s "Africa" Performed with GX-80, Dreamsynth, and Miniverse!

Sep 20, 2024 | narfsounds

Francis Capistrano of Narfsounds uses Gig Performer 5 to combine GX-80, Dreamsynth, and Miniverse from Synth Stack 4 for an outstanding performance of Toto's classic "Africa."

This demo shows the Streaming Audio Player of Gig Performer where markers can be set along the wav file and have the sounds change according to the song parts.

The Africa performance featured in this video will be part of the Narfsounds 80s Covers Set 1 for Gig Performer 5 + Cherry Audio Synth Stack 4, now in development which will be available at


Africa Main: Intro / Verse / Chorus Default

High: GX80 Brass

Mid: Dreamsynth Marimba Kalimba Layer

High: Miniverse Flute

Assign Expression Pedal to the Knobs in the Panel

EXP Pedal: Increases Piano Volume & GX80 Brass Brightness; decreases CS80 Brass Volume slightly.

Variation: Verse 2

Activates Moog Flute at the bottom of the keyboard as an alternative to playing on top. Since the bass line and flute are identical, this enables the player to play both the bass and flute simultaneously.

Africa SOLO:

Assign Expression Pedal to the Knobs in the Panel

Use this if playing the solo with both hands. Pedal brings in the Marimba/Kalimba

Africa SOLO with Harmonies:

Assign Expression Pedal to the Knobs in the Panel.

SOLO 1: Flutes with Harmony 1

SOLO 2: Flutes and Marimba Kalimba with Harmony 2

SOLO 3: Flutes & Marimba Kalimba with Harmony 1

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